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Product Description
Our compass can stand the low temperature Minus 20 degrees Celsius and high temperature 50 degrees Celsius, take it with you in cold or hot day.Please keep the compass away from magnetic objects in order to avoid the disorder to magnetic pointer.
Product Category:Pure copper outdoor multifunctional compass brass compass
Material: Copper, acrylic mirror surface
Color: Golden
Weight: 70g (2.5 ounces)
Size: 57x12mm(WxH) 22.4x4.7 inch
Target Audience: men, women, children, girls, boys
Suitable for: Hiking, Climbing, Camping
OLD FASHIONED COPPER COMPASS: Features 360 degree rotating bezel for easy navigation & orienteering
NEVER GET LOST AGAIN: Accuracy of Survival Compass prevents you from guessing which way is North
The Survival Compass is an essential piece of equipment for any outdoor adventure, or in case of any emergency. Whether using for hiking, camping, backpacking, or boy scout use, the accuracy of the compass will never leave you guessing which direction is North. The luminous face makes it easy to read any time and in any weather condition, while the antique pocket watch style adds a classic touch. The compact design of the compass (57mm D x 12mm H) makes it easy for smaller hands to handle, and conveniently stores with your emergency survival supplie
The Survival Compass is the ultimate tool for outdoor adventures. Order yours today and never get lost again
- GOLDEN COMPASS: Made of copper, acrylic mirror surface. Pretty and antique style..
- HIGH SENSITIVITY AND STABILITY: Has precision and clear dial. Built-in damping oil adds the stability of pointer.
- PORTABLE DESIGN: It is a travel size compass. The pocket compass has a lid that protects it from damage. The lid is designed with a V type gap for easy opening..
- SIZE: (WxH) 57x12mm / 22.4x4.7 inch, 70g .
- CUSTOMERS SAY: Great looking compass that plain works. Perfect size with accurate reading..
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